The major difference between raw honey and commercial honey is the method of preparation where the former if filtered while, the latter is pasteurized.
Honey is a naturally made viscous sweetener from bees. It is a very versatile substance since it is widely known as an effective ingredient in several products like: moisturizer, bath soap, hair and scalp recipes, dental and mouth treatment. According to, honey in general is an effective treatment of various diseases like anemia, ulcers, dyspepsia, and more. The level of effectiveness varies according to the method of preparation namely the:
Honey Pollen
Filtration Method
Filtration is a process of removing impurities and other particles from a substance using a tool or equipment especially made for filtration instead of heating.
Pasteurization Method
To kill bacteria present in honey, a process called pasteurization is done. This involves heating of honey at a very high temperature to effectively kill botulinum toxin, which causes food poisoning. Another reason for heating honey is to prevent granulation that usually happens when honey is allowed to sit over a period of time.
Raw honey is pure and coarse while, commercial honey has been heated and processed. To have a clearer view about the difference between raw and commercial honey, the two classifications of honey are defined as follows:
Raw Honey
A concentrated nectar, which is pure and unprocessed. It is the most nutritious classification of honey and is effective in treating indigestion, nausea, anemia, malnutrition, ulcers, burns, cancer and gallbladder diseases. It has high levels of antioxidant and is also found to have expectorant, anti-allergic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Raw honey appears to be thicker in texture and contains particles like bee wings, pollens, honeycomb bits and enzymes.
Commercial Honey
This is a commercial type of honey found in the supermarket that has been filtered and heated. Since the process of heating destroys not just the bacteria, but some vitamins and minerals as well; the nutrients it contain is much less compared to the raw honey. Although the nutritional value differs, it serves the same purpose as the raw honey. The texture is much consistent, transparent and liquid. Most of the commercially prepared honey comes in customized containers for a more appealing look.